What’s Google Wave?

For those who have absolutely no idea what Google Wave is, it is mainly a web application and computing platform designed to bring together e-mail, instant messaging, wiki, and social networking, with a strong collaborative focus, mixed with spellchecker and translator extensions, which are able to work in concert, in real-time. To get a more detail understanding of what Google Wave is, check out our very own Google Wave guide (part 1 and part 2) Enough said. Let’s get down to business!

How to get your Google Wave invite?

To get your Google wave invite, simply leave a comment at the end of this post, stating two things:

  1. Idea for a topic that you would like us to write about
  2. An improvement/extra feature that you hope to see in MakeTechEasier Important notes:

Include #googlewave at the end of your comment so that we can pull it out if it accidentally goes to the spam filter Only proper entry will be considered for the invite. Copying other people comments and submitting as your own will not land you an invite. Make sure to use your real email address as that is the address that we are sending the invites to. Rest assure that nobody will see it except for us.

You have until Friday (18th Dec 2009) to leave your comments. We’ll randomly pick 25 people from the comments list, and announce the winners on Sunday 20th Dec 2009. Note: If your comment does not appear immediately, do not re-submit. It might just be sitting in the queue. Double entry will not double your chance of getting a wave invite. :) Update: This event has now ended. We will soon announce the winner shortly. Update: I am glad to announce that all those who have left their comments here will receive their Google wave invite. Thanks for all your supports and contributions.